Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Extra Credit Voting Assignment in November

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:30AM-7:30PM

Vote in your community (if you're registered). Earn 5 extra points on your average Quiz grade. There may be statewide issues on the ballot, and local offices in Akron and other communities. A summary of the statewide ballot issues is available on an earlier post on this website. You'll be guided to visit the Beacon Journal to find summaries of local officials and issues on the ballot and the newspaper's endorsements.

To earn credit, bring proof of voting (most polling places have round "I Voted!" stickers). Or have a polling place employee sign a sheet of paper you provide with date, time and location of polling place.

If you're too young to vote, or are not legally able to registe, submit a summary of one of the ballot issues or a candidate for public office in your community, and you're views on this issue or candidate (if applicable)(at least one page in length). Due Wednesday after election (no later).

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