Develop your own political party, based on a real or imaginary ideology
Include the following 6 components (you can include the subheadings I’ve included or add your own):
1/ Founder (your name plus anyone else who is a co-founder)
2/ Name of Party
3/ Basic Statement of Overall Principles
4/ Basis of Ideology (is there an historical person who is the “spirit” of the party? (E.g., MLK, Gandhi, Lincoln, Jesus, Lenin, Bill Gates, Bono, Caesar Chavez)
5/ Party Platform
*National Defense (terrorism, democracy, changing military, homeland security from internal or external threats
*Economy (jobs, energy development, local manufacturing vs. overseas, decline of traditional industries, poverty, etc.)
*Families (health care, education environment)
*Community (safety, urban sprawl, neighborhoods, segregation
*Government (more or less, taxes, Federal, state, local relationships, election reform)
6/Target audience (Angry unemployed workers, frightened moms, energized youth, disenfranchised youth, concerned seniors, folks with no insurance, religious group or sect or some other part of our nation’s population)
Add your party online as with the previous assignment. Remember to prepare your entry in advance so you don't "lose" it online in the process of posting. Due Monday.
Darnell Roberts
ReplyDeleteThe Unity party of the United States.
The main objective of this party would be to promote unity amongst people of all race, colors, religion and gender. The Unity party would represent equal representation for the rich and poor. Decrease the wealth gap, promote democracry and uniity all over the world. On the list of our main objective is to promote immigration to all groups of people that have some kind of talent that would be utilized better here in the U.S.. Oppose sending American companies overseas; for we ourselves will need the labor if there would be a huge wave of immigration! Another of our objectives would be to extend a hand to countries that we have previously had bad blood with, and see if we can team up with them and possible create jobs for those in thier country.... to assist them in becoming a developed country..i.e Iran, Iraq (Oil) and North Korea. Promote democracy by freeing people from totalitarian regimes. This will make people react more favorably to the ideas of the United States, and they in return will buy goods produced in the US. For National Defense I would grant felons the right to fight for the thier country, in return for a pardon of thier past felonies.....they can then enter the wor market without having being known as a past felon, should they make it home from a war. However I would make crime breaking penalties more stiff.Prisoners will have to eat what they grow on a farm. I would promote immigration of more suburban neighborhoods, fund schools the same (no property taxes) and give those who need it, more funding for schools not doing so well.
My campaign slogan would be " Unity for U and me, the American Dream is no Dream!
Kimberly gibbons
ReplyDeleteMy political party would represent the combining of religions, the united states these days are split up by race religion and money, since most people are offended by other peoples reliogions, my party would combine religions and put other people in the places of someone elses religion. with being involved in the party you would have the oprotunity to visit different countries and do reasearch for other people, and determine what religions are under most scrutiny, you would be paid to do that. the national security would also be a job, someone involved would decide the defense systems.
our targeted group is every american, every American has a different view on religion and what is true and what isn't, Americans need to be more open minded and not judge people for what they believe in or how they believe things, i know people that judge people on their religion, and some people get weird looks for wearing there countries traditional clothing that is mandatory by religious beliefs. Everyone would go to mandatory meeting and events hosted by a person whos religion is being represented that day or week or month, and everyone would have to participate, and wear the clothes, read the books, and know the songs.
Harvey Smith
ReplyDeleteThe Equal Rights Party.
Our goal is to give all legal residents of the United States of America equal rights. Our party will send a message of change and hope that no man, woman, or child should be denied by the United States on account of gender, age, race, or religion. Our party will redesign the military and will allow felons, women, and the handicap to fight for our country. Expand our production (mass), exchange, distribution, and consumption of our goods and services so that anyone who wants a job in the U.S and can get one at a good wage. Making lower class obsolete is a major goal with our party. Make opportunities outside and inside the U.S more open for Americans. Raise taxes to provide health care and to support our military and those who have a disability. The raising of taxes also provides free education for children and open doors for environmental advances. Give local and state governments more power to change laws about the poor, single parents, hard workers, and the veterans. The main objective is to make the US citizens happy to be a true American. Living up to Martin Luther King Jr. dream speech.
Andrew Farmer
ReplyDeleteThe Trinity Party. Our goal is to treat everyone fairly and to live by the principles set forth in the Bible. An example of a historical person we try to follow is Jesus. We like the democratic form of government where everyone has a voice. Our support for National Defense is strong, we do not tolerate terrorism and would like for everyone to be able to live in a free country as we do. We encourage everyone to work together to stimulate the economy and create jobs so every able bodied person can and will work. We like to interact with other countries, but we want jobs to stay in the U.S. instead of going overseas. We believe the citizens should join together to make strong families and safe communities. Criminals would be swiftly and justly punished. We target the whole U.S. to try to get people to believe in what we stand for and join us to hopefully make a better America for everyone.
Founder: Jacqueline Boware
ReplyDeleteWomen’s Progressive Party
Basic Principles: To agitate for the rights of women and minorities
Party Platform: to eradicate predjudice, racism, sexism, ageism, poverty, and hunger and just plain stupidity! To provide free quality healthcare and housing for everyone!
Target Audience: Everyone who is fed up with the status Quo and wants quick and meaningful
Brittany Bretz
ReplyDeleteCome together party
basic pinciples: to people every race,gender and religion together.
Audiencd: everyone who wants a change in how people act.
Sherifa and Sanders
ReplyDeleteThe name of my party is the positive advance party.
The principle objective of my party is free education, free health care and free electricity for all. Arich country such as the united staes must not have some of its citizens go without such basic neccesities. Dubai has free electricity for everyone in the country and i believe that the United States can afford to do more than that. My party is going to increase taxes and also tap on all th potential oil fields America has to offer. With these plans, there will be more jobs created and i will limit the number of companies sending jobs abroad and encourage local manufacturing which will bring about more employment. Moms can go back to school and students do not have to worry about high cost of education.
The Sparkly Vampires Party for the working American, founded by Lee Beavers and Co-founded by Stephenie Meyers. Our basic statement is we will control you in the fear that we will eat you. If you do not do what we say, we will convince your women to abandon you and follow us. We have full control over the American women because of our representation of the “Perfect Man” represented by our party’s leader, Edward Cullen. We think that humans should be friends not food. Segregation should only be needed against the most heinous vampire or human offenders. Our goal is to provide safe environments for all humans, preventing you from harming yourself; this is our #1 goal. Our second goal is proper employment for anyone of able body. We will shut off all imports to the United States; this will create many factories and jobs. Big corporate CEO’s will be given their fare share, and no more! As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level - I mean the wages of decent living." "True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made."
ReplyDeleteForeign policy will fall under the similar criteria as the United States interior policy. Since weapons are useless against us, and because we are the perfect killing machine being able to track and hunt anyone and anywhere, any attacks on the United States will results in their leaders becoming food for any imprisoned vampires, (imprisoned because of eating humans in the past). This will eliminate the need for an army. Thus preventing the senseless death of America‘s strongest and bravest. No leaders will want to wage war on America, or be able to wage a second war. Peace shall finally be on the Earth, as all war mongers shall be eliminated from society.
Jennifer Hageman
ReplyDeleteWorkers Party
To promote American jobs
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Party Platform
* National Defense: Puting caps on the import of products that are and/or could be made in the United States.
*Economy: Improve the American Economy. Providing more jobs in America and rasing the salary for workers.
*Families: The workers party will improve health care through businesses. If people have jobs then their company will provide insurance, so nobody has to worry about not having insurance.
*Community:Through the improvement of American jobs, communities will prosper. If people have jobs then they will be able to buy homes and improve thier homes.
*Government: The workers party wants more government control over the import and export of products that could be produced in the United States. We want less government control over the business itself though however, not having restrictions on the businesses itself.
Target Audience: The target audience of the Workers Party is the American worker. We target mostly people whose jobs were lost recently or whose companies are downsizing. We want the American economy revitalized through employment.
Optismistic Party founded by Jonathon Morris. This party runs with the philosophy of postive leadership. This philosophy fulfills the most basic needs of humans, which in turn, fulfills the needs of the entire country. Our basis of idealogy would be Franklin D. Rosevelt, for his optimism during the Depression and World War 2. Our view is to build strong relations with other countries. As a leading country, we strive to see World working together as a team. As a nation, we need to connect teams of military leaders and build communication with other foreign leaders. We need to build strong economic teams that is based on the ideology that we our for the people of the United States. Creating an atmosphere that we are here as leaders to serve America with optimism. Make our goals for our citizens. Which means creating jobs across America and work with citizens to build a better country. Create a Universal health care plan that will help all citizens. Creating a strong foundation for the nation's youth and their education. We want to see an atmosphere of positive learning and want a growth in the graduation rate. We strive to build community across our country. We believe that people need to help people, and look forward to community service as a nation.
ReplyDeleteOur government works as a team of people. We believe that is is necessary to have a positive attitude when we work. We are here to help America.
Finally, we are targeting America as a whole. We want to shape our country that will evolve to a country that is positive and full of energy. Hoping that this will spread to the entire world.
Free health care for college students This foundation is created for college This will prtect students who are sick and cannot afford to go to the doctors. The fee's for the hopitals and the doctors and medication will be provided in students fees for school. I feel that by creating this party we will have a stonger enviroment kids wont be scard to go to the doctor based on the medical bills and doctor fee's for everyone. As a team i'm sure universties across the map can figure out a way for funding to be made.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Burlingame
ReplyDeleteCome Together Party
Basic Principles:
To bring everyone together race, gender, religions, gays, bisexuals, and everyone!
Party Platform: To bring us together and stop all of the judgment and racism and prejudice among us.
Target Audience: People who are willing to make a change in our society
*Founder Name: Britt Reining
ReplyDelete*Name of Party: The Republican Liberation Party
*Basic Statement: Freedom means less government
*Basic Ideology: None
*Platform: Less government spending, less taxation, free markets, sound money, less foreign intervention, and more obedience on the constitution. Significantly reduce the involvement of state and federal government in our lives.
Goals of my Party: Less government means lower taxes, equals best for everyone.
The Issue: Significantly reduce government regulations, fees, taxes, waste and abuses.A government that grabs power, robs the people. Therefore, the people need to govern best when their government governs least.
Goal Fulfillment: Obtain power, seize the majority vote, eliminate and dispose of unnecessary government intrusions, redundant or unnecessary agencies, and repeal 2/3rds of the laws on the books which do nothing but rob us of money and abuse our lives.
It will represent the liberty of people, the Constitution, and more freedom.It can achieve a major position by undoing all the harm BOTH parties did over the past 70 years.
Casey Church
ReplyDeleteThe Live Longer Party
The idea behind this party is a very simple one. Health Care. To find a way to improve health care in this country so that more people can live longer, healther lives. It would fight to have insurence companies actully want to help pay hospital bills for those who can't. Help find cures for things like cancer and AIDS. And fund classes for schools to teach to show kids how to stay healthy.
With all the improvments coming to the health care system thanks to Obama, I still feel like we could be doing a lot more. That is the main focus of The Live Longer Party.
De'Aundria Dukes
ReplyDeleteTeen Rights Party
The Basic overall principals of my Party are to protect the rights of Teenagers and to give them a voice in today's society. My ideology stems from the profession that I want to go into. For National Defense I would say that unless a country is in dire need of our help then we leave them alone and let them work out their problems, I will regulate these things but it's not our country's buisness. For the Economy my solution is to cut the big payoffs to the bankers and wall street and make the wealthy pay more taxes, and cut taxes for the middle class. For families I'll create another program besides welfare to make sure that you're able to eat and bring food to your children. And foreign children whose families are here should be able to attend school. The communities will be safe because we will hire volunteer police and firemen who will work for some other pay off. For the government I will make sure there is no more dirty politics and you will only hear the truth about the candidates. Another things is less taxes on everyday thing that regular people aren't able to afford. Another thing i want is for 16 yr olds to be allowed to vote and for them to actually have a voice in what is going on in their society, because whats going on now effects them tomorrow.
My target audience are teens, their parents, their teachers, and anyone who will listen to reason
shiela disler women walking tall women who want the same rights as men universal daycare universal health care .also make businesses give women have flex time so that they can be better moms to their kids. National defense-bring everyone home and let the countries figure it out on their own i should not have to pay for schools in irag when our own schools are in trouble.and a way to empty jails instead of jail time send prisoners overseas if they make it back after their term of service its done no record no prorole economy- develop jobs by less imports tax corprations that take jobs overseas. make made in america proud again. Families-universal daycare and medical.make it easier for poeple to get help when they need it.and all those empty houses could be low to moderate income housing instead of being eyesores or dangerous vacant houses. goverment- less taxes no sales tax period heck no income tax. the federal goverment should only help states which are having a hard time states should have a little more say in what happens there.make eletions won by popalarvote and get rid of the electoral broad. i hope to appeal moms women and anyone who wants a strong america.
ReplyDeleteFounder: Justin Price
ReplyDeletePeace Party of the Mind
Basis of ideology: Albert Einstein
We want to promote peace through negotiations instead of war. We also plan on giving students higher education all year round. There will be cuts in military spending so the money can be given to schools. We also plan on free health care as no one can focus on becoming intelligent if they are sick.
Our main supporters would be parents and scholars who want to see America grow and become the smartest nation in the world.
Founder: Matt Hazlett
ReplyDeleteBasic Principles: Our belief is that the modern political machine has gone too far up its' own ass, and the majority of the population is completely oblivious to the atrocities that are carried out in the name of the American people.
Basis of Ideology: In the name of Fela Anikulapo Kuti (RIP)
Party Platform: Our Goal is to re-educate the masses as to the way in which their government, other governments accross the globe, and multinational corporations act in a hegemonic fashion and blind the people as to their own self-interest.
Target Audience: Anyone and Everyone. Our cause knows no boundaries. Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand. We must unite together to raise the standards and uplift the consciouness of the entire world.