Here's your replies to the question "Should 16 and 17 year olds have the right to vote? (5 Yes, 16 No)
- I don't think it should be changed
- Yes
- No
- No, don't change the voting age to 16
- No, I don't think they should be allowed. They can be manipulated too easily
- No, because I don't think high school students have the maturity or even knowledge to vote for someone in an election
- Yes!
- No, it would add more complications such as poll problems and other ????
- No
- No, will go with popular vote (what their friends or parents) are saying. Will not have thir own ideas. Too impressionable.
- No
- No
- No, because more issues would probably be hot topics. example being drinknig age, cigarette buying age, etc.
- No, I don't feel 16 year olds should be allowed to vote. I feel that the majority are too immature. Also, it might influence their legal status in court.
- No, most parents hav e the most infuence in the choices their kids make
- Absolutely not. Children at thge ripe age of 18 are also too young. Too many peole like this last edlection voted solely on the fact that Obama was the first African-American President. They could easily vote primarily on whom their parents and family talk about. Bad. Bad, Bad idea!
- Yes, I think it would give younger peole more interest in politics, therefore bringing forth a better future for us
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No, on the one side, it would let them feel like a part of the whole system and empowered; on the other side, they only have their parents/church giving them clues
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