Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Assignment #1 Busted!

Maureen Dowd's opinion piece in today's New York Times is pretty interesting for us. An Australian Vogue model, Liskula Cohen, is trashed anonymously online by someone calling her a "skank" and a "ho" and the winner of a Skankiest in NYC award. Shocked, the model decided to fight back , hired an attorney, and managed to get the nasty blogger's email and identity from Google. The nasty blogger climed she was protected by the First amendment to the Consitution, guaranteeing free speech.

Read Maureen Dowd's opinion piece below (click on the line below).

Stung by the Perfect Sting

Do you think the nasty blogger should be protected online, or should she be prosecuted in a civil case for defamation of character.

Give your opinion on this case, indicating why you feel the way you do. Due Monday in class.


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